
in this article, we are going to discuss some experiments such as "melodizing for escrime" and "choosing suitable exercises for a better health" under the conception of "ability-oriented education" and "health the first" in PE lessons. The target group is some female students in Fudan University who take the course of Wushu.
During the 2-year research, we have been exploring the methods of using PE lessons to forge an all-round student. We are very glad to conclud that we have reached the goal and implemented our teaching purpose.


Through the "melodizing excercise", the students became more imaginative and creative. Also, their practical abilities have been improved.

The experiments of "Choosing suitable exercises" helped the students to implement various techniques in the learing of PE.
There are 2 aspects in the evaluation of the over-all ability of a student:
1. The real ability of a student(talent)
2. The potential ability of a student. According to the principle of continuous development, we should emphasize on.

[1]. FuoNian Liu "Revision & Exploration -- Issues on Education Theory" Shanghai
[2]. BinXian Zhang "New Conception of Today’s Education" Beijing

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