Olympic education for better governance

Parte de Olympism and Olympic Education . páginas 147 - 157


Olympism is a philosophy of life (International Olympic Committee, 2021). It is a way of approaching principles and values that are possible for someone to experience. It is not an idealistic theory on how to approach sport, but actual competitive sport in practice. Olympism is the philosophy of noble competition, and competition with others (agon) is its essence. Competition (agon) as the idea of the pursuit of excellence is supported by common spiritual roots, common struggles, and traditions. Agon as expressed through the unique event of the Olympic Games is a global vision of life for the establishment of a humanistic education whose pivot is Olympic values. Important principles of the philosophy of Olympism – participation, volunteering, persistence, respect for ourselves, the joy of efort, self-discipline, peaceful coexistence, and, principally, equality, fair play, equal opportunity, fairness, and mutual respect – are distilled in the idea of competition (Teetzel, 2014).