Cevnautas que gostam de biblioteca,

A boa notícia vem da Austrália, onde o Gavin Reynolds, que esteve no I CONBIDE


 Hartmurt Sadner, de Leipzig, e o Chikara Miyaji,


que também estiveram em Brasilia, estão retomando a IASI, que sofreu o baque da perda da Presidente Gretchen Ghent e do Vice Andrei Teodorescu.

Nesse movimento desativavam o Ning e reativaram o portal.

Vamos acompanhar?


Dear Colleagues,

A new International Association for Sports Information (IASI) website

Please note our new website has been established at http://www.iasi.org. The website is very basic presently. However, I anticipate it will become more comprehensive as we move forward. Please feel free to submit any relevant content for inclusion on the website – you can email this to me directly for now. The new website replaces http://sportinfo.ning.com/.

For those with ‘Twitter’ accounts please follow @IASI_org

IASI 2014 Meeting

We intend to host an IASI Meeting in Canberra later this year with the primary purpose to elect a new Executive Committee. An important next step for IASi given the ExCo will be responsible for re-establishing the association and its membership over the next four years. More information will follow shortly.

IASILIST – Listserv email distribution membership list

It has been a while since this list was last updated. Please feel free to forward this email to any other sport information professionals who may be interested in IASI and its future work programme. I will be happy to update, remove or include any new members on the IASI email distribution list.

On a personal note, I hope this email finds you well and I wish you all a happy and prosperous New Year!

Best regards,

Gavin Reynolds

National Sport Information Centre / Clearinghouse for Sport

Sport Research and Information

Australian Sports Commission
Tel:   +61 2 6214 1679
Fax:  +61 2 6214 1681





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