Cevnautas, a edição especial da "Política Africana" (editado na França) pode ser um bom exemplo para os estudiosos do país que vai realizar a próxima copa. Laercio

     Authors: Susann Baller, Martha Saavedra, Gary Baines, Gary Armstrong, James Rosbrook-Thompson, Éliane de Latour, Abdramane Kamaté, Richard Banégas, Désiré Manirakiza, Michael G. Schatzberg
     Publisher:  Politique Africaine
     Year: 2010

The political landscapes of football (Les terrains politiques du football)

The latest edition of the French journal "Politique Africaine" focuses on political issues related to African football.

The first article looks into the potential legacy of the 2010 FIFA World Cup, focusing on the host city of Port Elizabeth.

The second article explores the implications of the deal between Ajax Amsterdam (AA) and Ajax Cape Town (ACT).

The third contribution analyses the movement of soccer players, namely on an increasing number of African players joining Asian football clubs.

In the fourth article, Abdramane Kamaté and Richard Banégas critically observe how a football match reactivated the identity divide between Ivory Coast’s Southerners and Northerners, thus highlighting the complex process of political reconciliation after the Ouagadougou agreements.

The fifth contribution from Désiré Manirakiza focuses on amateur football in Cameroon, and notes how these events are used as venues to promote personal and partisan political leaders.

The final article is centered on a case study of the political fall of Denis Obua, a long-serving president of the Ugandan Football Association, Fufa.

This special edition of "Politique Africaine" is coordinated by Susann Baller and Martha Saavedra, and includes contributions from Gary Baines, Gary Armstrong and James Rosbrook-Thompson, Eliane de Latour, Abdramane Kamaté and Richard Banégas Desire Manirakiza, and Michael G. Schatzberg.

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